Barcelona Soccer Experience

The Barcelona Soccer Experience is the pipeline for international soccer teams and players to learn the FC Barcelona methodology in their headquarters while testing their level against Spanish clubs.

Your team will participate in an advanced and intensive training program while discovering the culture and history of Barcelona.

Madrid Soccer Experience

The Madrid soccer experience is the best way for international soccer teams and players to learn the Real Madrid and Atletico de Madrid method at their official training grounds. Additionally, you will train at the elite soccer facilities of Ciudad de Futbol Las Rozas where the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) has its headquarters. You will also discover the capital of Spain and its culture. The Madrid experience will stay with you a lifetime!

UK Soccer Experience

England, the birthplace of futbol is the best location for an unmatched experience. Start in Manchester and train at the world renowned Manchester City Football Academy official facilities. Then travel to St. George’s Park, the home of the English National team, and train with The Football Association coaches. Finish your journey in the capitol, London, and truly feel how the passion of Futbol runs through the city!


“Our club, Atletico, here in Seattle, took 3 teams over to Barcelona on 2022. Futbol First was professional and accommodating, making sure the experience was planned and prepared from door to door. The chaperones were fantastic and the planning and logistical coordination was top class. We plan to do the tour again! Thank you for helping make such beautiful memories”

Aaron Byers Head Coach

“Barcelona was amazing. We loved that our daughter met girls from around the country. She had a great experience beyond soccer. Also, the organization was like clock work”

Frieda Padilla Parent

“The whole experience was wonderful! Very well organized overall. We enjoyed watching our son make new friends and experience a new culture”

Izzy Robertshaw Parent

“It was an amazing experience for our son. He loved training and feeling like a pro soccer player. The highlight of the trip for my child was being able to watch FCB live in Camp Nou”

Charlie Winski Parent

“I had a wonderful time with Futbol First. We got to travel and discover new places, but my favorite part was definitely practicing where all the pros practice and meeting a pro player, also playing games against club teams from the local area. It is a wonderful experience also because you meet new people, and get to see some pro games be played”

Alon Koschitzky Player

“The UK Experience featured a more soccer-intense schedule, and a level of competition that challenged to elevate my son's game. The trips represent not only a chance for your children to play internationally, but for your entire family to see places in the world that they may not see otherwise”

Brian Hickey Parent

“I got to train with coaches from some of my favorite teams, and learned about different playing styles. The Manchester City training facilities were amazing. Playing against teams from Barcelona was really cool, too”

Louden Hickey Player at Radnor Soccer Club

“The experience in Madrid was amazing for our son and for my family. He loves to play soccer and was very happy to play and meet friends from all around the country. The program is very well organized and friendly for the kids and their families”

Lourdes Cuerda Parent

“Futbol First expertly provides high caliber soccer opportunities integrated with unique and exciting life experiences. Absolutely unforgettable. futbol First programs are about more than soccer. Your player will experience things like personal responsibility, mentality training, trying new foods, building relationships, and Culture. You're always in good hands and great company. If your player is serious about soccer and interested in high competition, this is the place to be. Bring the whole family on your Futbol First adventure! There are so many wonderful opportunities and experiences for all of you to share”

Matt and Cady Buechel Parents

“Futbol First provides players and their families with a truly unique football experience. The UK Experience combines player development, opportunities for competitive competitions and an introduction to English history and culture. The UK Experience is not just about football, but the enrichment of the person on and off the pitch. The West Ham and Man City training sessions helped our son develop as a player. The matches against local teams gave him an opportunity to test his new skills, bond with his teammates and was a highlight of the trip for him. Attending the Premier League matches was an unforgettable experience.”

Stephen and Chris Rivera Parents